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Takis Fotopoulos
Takis Fotopoulos (Τάκης Φωτόπουλος, * 14. Oktober 1940 auf Chios) ist ein griechischer politischer Philosoph und Ökonom aus London. Er ist Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Democracy & Nature (1992-2003) und seit 2004 der nachfolgenden Online-Zeitschrift The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy. Fotopoulos ist Autor von Towards an Inclusive Democracy. The Crisis of the Growth Economy and the Need for a New Liberatory Project, (auf deutsch: Umfassende Demokratie. Die Antwort auf die Krise der Wachstums- und Marktwirtschaft) und Gründer der gleichnamigen Bewegung. Die ersten Analysen und Ideen für sein neues emanzipatorisches Befreiungsprojekt entwickelte Fotopoulos in dem Journal Democray&Nature, als ganzes wurde das Projekt 1997 in dem Buch Towards an Inclusive Democracy vorgestellt, die deutschsprachige Übersetzung als Umfassende Demokratie erfolgte im Jahr 2003. Insgesamt erfolgten Übersetzungen in 6 weiteren Sprachen. Dabei wagt er die Synthese klassischer demokratischer Traditionen mit dem libertären Sozialismus und den radikalen Strömungen der Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen. Eine Bekräftigung und Weiterentwicklung seiner Arbeit erfolgte mit dem Buch The Multidimensional Crisis and Inclusive Democracy, Athen 2005 und in der Online Zeitschrift The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy.
Kurz nach Fotopoulos' Geburt auf Chios zog seine Familie nach Athen. Nachdem er Studienabschlüsse in Ökonomie, politischer Wissenschaft und Jura gemacht hatte, zog er für ein Postgraduiertenstudium an der London School of Economics and Political Science 1966 nach London, wo er heute noch lebt. 1966 heirateten Takis Fotopoulos und Sia Mamareli, (sie ist Anwältin) beide haben einen Sohn Costas, geboren 1974. In London war Takis Fotopoulos ein studentischer Gewerkschafter und politischer Aktivist in der 68er-Bewegung. Er beteiligte sich an der Organisation der Linken Griechenlands während des Kampfes gegen die Militärjunta 1967-1974. Er arbeitete über zwanzig Jahre als Dozent an der University of North London und wurde 1992 Herausgeber der Zeitschrift "Society & Nature", später (1995) "Democracy & Nature" und des Online-Journal "The International Journal of INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY". Er ist zudem Kolumnist in der griechischen Zeitung Eleftherotypia.
Inclusive Democracy[edit]
Der Ausgangspunkt für Fotopoulos' Werk ist, dass sich die Welt in einer „ multidimensionalen (politischen, wirtschaftÂlichen, sozialen, ökologischen und kulturellen) Krise“ befindet, hervorgerufen durch die Konzentration der Macht in den Händen von Eliten, als Folge der Marktwirtschaft, der reprasentativen "Demokratie" und anderen Formen von hierarchischen Strukturen. Takis Fotopoulos schlägt die Schaffung „einer neuen Form der politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Organisation, welche auf all diesen Ebenen für eine gleichberechtigte Aufteilung der Macht unter den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sorgt“[1]. Dabei übernimmt die Umfassende Demokratie Vorstellungen der Direktdemokratie und des Anarchismus, in dem demotische[2] Versammlungen als Entscheidungsträger vorgeschlagen werden, die sich auf regionaler, nationaler, kontinentaler und globaler Ebene föderieren.
Auf der kleinsten Ebene schlägt Fotopoulos die Selbstverwaltung der Produktionsstätten wie Fabriken und Büros und der Bildungs- und Kulturinstitutionen vor, die auch die Medien beinhalten. Arbeiter-, Studentenräte usw. sollen für die Selbstverwaltung der Produktionsstätten, des Bildungswesens sorgen und sich dabei den von den durch die demotischen Versammlungen gesetzten Ziele und den Präferenzen der Bürger als Produzenten und Konsumenten leiten lassen.
Articles in The International Journal of INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY (IJID)*[edit]
A quarterly online- journal published by the International Network for Inclusive Democracy ISSN 1753-240X.
Vol. 8, 1/2, 2012: The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic “democracy†in Egypt as part of the New World Order
- Part I: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Rise to Power
- Part II: Towards a New Form of a Client Regime
Vol. 7, No.2/3, 2011:
- Disaster theories and the crisis: Τhe peak oil case
- The Insurrection of the English Underclass
Vol. 7, no. 1/2, 2011:
- Greece: The myth of the revival of classical democracy in Athens
- The Pseudo-Revolution in Libya and the Degenerate Left PART I : The Pseudo-Revolution in Libya
- The Pseudo-Revolution in Libya and the Degenerate Left PART II : The Degenerate Left
Vol. 6 - No. 2/3: THE BARCELONA TALKS (two talks by Takis Fotopoulos on the occasion of the CNT centenary celebration)
- Inclusive Democracy as a political project for a new libertarian synthesis
- The transition to an Inclusive Democracy
- The Zionist attack against the international resistance to the New World Order and the Libertarian Left - A proposal for the liberation of Palestine from Zionism and religious fundamentalism
- Beyond the Market Economy and Statist Planning: Towards Democratic Planning as part of a Confederal Inclusive Democracy
- The Latin-Americanization of Greece and the lessons for the European South PDF
- Greece: the transnational elite’s “one way street†PDF
Vol. 5 - No. 4 / Vol. 6 - No. 1 (Autumn 2009/Winter 2010):
- Greece: The implosion of the systemic crisis
- Towards a Democratic Liberatory Ethics: A restatement PDF
- Iran: The campaign for regime change in its last phase PDF
- The systemic nature of swine flu
Vol. 5 - No. 2 (Spring 2009)
- The “new world order†hype and the new version of social-liberalism PDF
- The Crime of the Zionists and the Transnational Elite and the Stand of the Left PDF
- A systemic crisis in Greece PDF
Vol. 4 - No. 4 (October 2008)
- The myths about the economic crisis, the reformist Left and economic Democracy PDF
- Systemic aspects of academic repression in the New World Order PDF
- Transnational elite and Russia: a new bipolar world? PDF
- Is sustainable development compatible with present globalisation? The Chinese Case PDF
Vol. 4 - No. 3 (July 2008)
- The New World Order in Action: From Kosovo to Tibet PDF
- The European Peoples’ Volcano and the Representative “Democracy†of the Elites PDF
- The “nakba†(catastrophe) and Zionist mythology PDF
- May ’68 demystified PDF
Vol. 4 - No. 2 (April 2008)
- On the Crisis of Modernity and of the Antisystemic Movements –The Need for A New Liberatory Society PDF Mika Pekkola's Interview with Takis Fotopoulos
- The autonomy project and Inclusive Democracy: a critical review of Castoriadis’ thought PDF
- The conquest of Speech by the media conglomerates PDF
- The Virtual “democracy†of the Internet PDF
Vol. 4 - No. 1 (January 2008)
- Barry Seidman’s interview with Takis Fotopoulos for the US radio program Equal Time for Freethought PDF
- Values, The Dominant Social Paradigm and Neoliberal Globalisation PDF
- The credit crisis and the New World Order of capitalist “anarchy†PDF John Sargis & Takis Fotopoulos
- The “elimination†of poverty PDF
Vol. 3 - No. 4 (October 2007)
- Recent Theoretical Developments on the Inclusive Democracy Project PDF
- The price of “development†and the limitations of direct action PDF
- The deadly fires in Greece: a “tragedy†or the inevitable outcome of the criminal elites’ activities? PDF
Vol. 3 - No. 3 (July 2007)
- The Deliberate Confusion Between the Legalisation and the De-criminalisation of Drugs PDF
- The Ecological Crisis as Part of the Present Multi-Dimensional Crisis and Inclusive Democracy PDF
- The Transnational Elite’s New “Model†for the Middle East PDF
- Limiting the Damage: the Elites’ New Approach to the Drug Problem PDF
- France Falls into Line with the Transnational Elite PDF
Vol. 3 - No. 2 (April 2007)
- The Struggle Against the Privatisation of Education in Greece PDF
- The Myths of the Elites and the Reformist Left about the European Union PDF
- The Myths on the Ecological Crisis PDF
- General attack in the Middle East PDF
Vol. 3 - No. 1 (January 2007)
- Is de-growth compatible with a market economy? PDF
- Middle East: "Democracy" in Action PDF
- The Significance of the assassination of Saddam by the New World Order PDF
- Islamophobia: the new anti-semitism PDF
- Latin America: the axis of hope vs. the axis of evil PDF
Vol. 2 - No. 4 (November 2006)
- The London bombings and the myths on "terrorism"
- An Interview on the London bombings and the tasks of the antisystemic movement today
- The drift into parliamentary totalitarianism
- From Social-Democracy to Social-Fascism
- “Democracy†in the New World Order
- The civil war as a means of imposing the New World Order
- The “long war†and Islamophobia
- Iran: The next target of the transnational elite
- The Integration of Iraq into the New World Order through its Disintegration
- The terrorists of the Middle East
- The aim of the massacre: To crush any resistance
- Zionism and the transnational elite
- Lebanon: A victory against the New World Order?
- The Middle East and the Left of 'equal distances'
- New Orleans: the “normal†functioning of a system
- Mass media and ideological globalisation
- France: The revolt of the victims of neoliberal globalisation
- The European Left and the myth of the European social model
- Is another Europe possible?
- An anti-capitalist Left in Latin America?
- Milosevic and the distortion of the history of Yugoslavia's dismemembering
- Hungary 1956-2006 and the Elites’ Propaganda
- The ecological crisis on the verge of a catastrophe
Vol. 2 - No. 3 (June 2006)
- Inclusive Democracy as a way out of the present multi-dimensional crisis
- Human liberation vs. animal "liberation" Takis Fotopoulos & John Sargis
- Is the eco-village movement a solution or part of the problem?
Vol. 2 - No. 2 (January 2006)
- Liberal and socialist "Democracies" versus Inclusive Democracy
- Palestine: the hour of truth
Vol. 2 - No. 1 (September 2005)
- From (mis)education to Paideia
Vol. 1 - No. 4 (July 2005)
- The Myth of the Clash of Fundamentalisms
- Iraq: the ballot box as a means of integration into the New World Order
- The Ukrainian Crisis and the Transnational Elite
- The Asian tsunami and the hecatombs of the “growth economyâ€
- Kyoto and other tales
- The Neoliberal Myths about Globalisation
- UK elections: The collapse of neoliberal myths
- And now France: Neoliberal globalisation again under attack
- Kerry and the Left
- Lessons to be learned from the US Elections
- Is the Left dead?
- The European Constitution and the Left
- The Europeans peoples' fight against neoliberal capitalism and the Reformist Left
- PARECON: Has the hour arrived for a WSF model?
Vol.1 - No. 3 (May 2005)
- The Inclusive Democracy project - A rejoinder
- Addendum - The ID project and Social Ecology
Vol. 1 - No. 2 (January 2005)
- Participatory Economics (Parecon) and Inclusive Democracy
Articles in DEMOCRACY & NATURE (D&N)*[edit]
The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy (1992-2003) (Initially launched as Society & Nature (S&N), it was renamed Democracy & Nature in 1995).
Vol. 9, No. 3 (November 2003
- Inclusive Democracy and Participatory Economics
- The Inclusive Democracy project - A rejoinder
Vol. 9, No. 2 (July 2003)
- Iraq: the New Criminal "War" of the Transnational Elite
- The Death of Feminism as an Antisystemic Movement or the Success of Feminism to Change the System from Within? by Omer Caha; Reply by Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 9, No. 1 (March 2003)
- From (Mis)education to Paideia
Vol. 8, No. 3 (November 2002)
- Towards a democratic liberatory ethics
- Book Review of Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy
Vol. 8, No. 2 (July 2002)
- The global "war" of the transnational elite
- Hardt and Negri's Empire: a new Communist Manifesto or a reformist welcome to neoliberal globalisation? (co-written with Alexandros Gezerlis)
Vol. 8, No. 1 (March 2002)
- Transitional strategies and the Inclusive Democracy project
- Debating the significance of the Global Eco-village Movement: A reply to Takis Fotopoulos by Ted Trainer; The transition to an alternative society: the Ecovillage movement, the Simpler Way and the Inclusive Democracy project a reply by Takis Fotopoulos
- Response to Democracy & Nature Editorial on "Violent Myths" by Thomas Martin; The Incompatility of Myths and Democracy a reply by Takis Fotopoulos
- Social stratification―consensus―participation. A reply to Takis Fotopoulos’ critique of systems theory by Giancarlo Corsi; The ‘right’ to be alienated Takis Fotopoulos’ reply
Vol. 7, No. 3 (November 2001)
- The End of Traditional Antisystemic Movements and the Need for A New Type of Antisystemic Movement Today
Vol. 7, No. 2 (July 2001)
- Globalisation, the reformist Left and the Anti-Globalisation "Movement"
Vol. 7, No. 1 (March 2001)
- The Myth of Postmodernity Vol. 6, No. 3 (November 2000)
- Systems theory and complexity: a potential tool for radical analysis or the emerging social paradigm for the internationalised market economy?
Vol. 6, No. 2 (July 2000)
- Class divisions today – The Inclusive Democracy approach
- Where are we, where do we want to be, how do we get there? by Ted Trainer; The Limitations of Life-Style strategies: the ecovillage Movement is NOT the way towards a new democratic society by Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 6, No. 1 (March 2000)
- Beyond Marx and Proudhon
- Roadgrading Community Culture: Why the Internet is so Dangerous to Real Democracy by Matt Hern and Stu Chaulk; Reply to Roadgrading Community Culture: Why the Internet is so Dangerous to Real Democracy by Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 5, No. 3 (November 1999)
- Welfare State or Economic Democracy?
- Social Ecology, Eco-Communitarianism and Inclusive Democracy
Vol. 5, No. 2 (July 1999)
- The Catastrophe of Marketisation
- The First War of the Internationalised Market Economy
- Taking Democracy Seriously: A Review of Towards an Inclusive Democracy by Takis Fotopoulos by Michael Levin; A Response to Michael Levin’s Review Article by Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 5, No. 1 (March 1999)
- Mass Media, Culture, and Democracy
- On a Distorted View of the Inclusive Democracy Project
- CNS and "Bookchin-ology"
- The war in the Balkans and the criminal role of the centre-"left"
Vol. 4, No. 2/3 (1998)
- The Rise of New Irrationalism and its Incompatibility with Inclusive Democracy
Vol. 4, No. 1 (1997)
- Towards a democratic conception of science and technology
- Obituary: Castoriadis and the democratic tradition
- Peter Zegers on Towards an Inclusive Democracy by Takis Fotopoulos; A Response to Zegers’ review of Towards an Inclusive Democracy by Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 3, No.3 (1997)
- Outline of an Economic Model for an Inclusive Democracy
Vol. 3, No.2 (1995)
- Beyond statism and the market economy: a new conception of democracy
Vol. 3, No.1 (1995)
- Development or Democracy?
- Notes on Fotopoulos and O'Connor by Shaun Huston; Notes on Fotopoulos and O'Connor: A Reply by Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 2, No. 3 (1994)
- The End of Socialist Statism
- A Debate on Socialism and Ecology – James O'Connor and Takis Fotopoulos
Vol. 2, No. 2 (1994)
- The Nation-State and the Market
Vol. 2, No. 1 (1993)
- Beyond Scientism and Irrationalism
Vol. 1, No. 3 (1993)
- The Economic Foundations of an Ecological Society Vol. 1, No. 2 (1992)
- The "Objectivity" of the Liberatory Project
Vol. 1, No. 1 (1992)
- Direct and Economic Democracy in Ancient Athens and its Significance Today
- Takis Fotopoulos: Towards An Inclusive Democracy. The Crisis of the Growth Economy and the Need for a New Liberatory Project Cassell, London/New York 1997. ISBN 0-304-33627-0. Google Books:Online verfügbar
- Takis Fotopoulos: Umfassenden Demokratie/Inclusive Democracy. Die Antwort auf die Krise der Wachstums- und Marktwirtschaft Trotzdem Verlag, 2003 ISBN 3-931786-23-4
- Oliver Ressler (Hg.): Alternative Ökonomien, Alternative Gesellschaften (Takis Fotopoulos zu "Umfassende Demokratie" u.a. (Promedia-Verlag, Wien 2008), geb. 256. ISBN 978-3-85371-291-7.
- The Multidimensional Crisis and Inclusive Democracy by Takis Fotopoulos (Entire English E-book publication [2005 of the book with the same title published in Athens, 2005 by Gordios, 334 pp. ISBN 960-7083-69-5. Published in Chinese 2008 ISBN 978-7-5607-3533-7)]
- "Inclusive Democracy" entry in Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, ed. by R.J. Barry Jones (Routledge, 2001), pp.732–740.
- Steve Best (Editor): "Global capitalism and the demise of the Left: Renewing radicalism through Inclusive Democracy", Koukkida, Athen 2008 and Special Issue of "The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy", Winter 2009 Online verfügbar (Mit zwei Beiträgen von Takis Fotopoulos "Recent Theoretical Developments on the Inclusive Democracy Project" & "Is Inclusive Democracy Feasible and Desirable?").
- Was ist Umfassende Demokratie? Takis Fotopoulos' Interview mit Oliver Ressler [Deutsche Untertitel via CC Taste wählen. Das ist ein Interview mit Takis Fotopoulos, daß von Oliver Ressler für seine Videoserie "Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies" am 19 July 2003 aufgenommen wurde über das Projekt Umfassende Demokratie. Englische und Griechische Untertitel sind vorhanden. In diesem Video bespricht Fotopoulos die Bestandteile der Umfassenden Demokratie (UD): d.h. direkte Politische, Ökonomische, Soziale und Ökologische Demokratie. Er bietet auch eine einleitende Analyse des wirtschaftlichen Models der UD für eine staatenlose, marktlose und geldlose Ökonomie an. Schließlich, bezieht er sich auf die Übergangsstrategie für die revolutionäre Transformation zu einer autonomen Gesellschaft, für eine umfassende Demokratie.
- Ein längeres Interview vom 08.05.2009, unterteilt in 13 Teile, in denen sich Takis Foltopoulos u.a. zu folgenden Themen äußert: (1. Neoliberalism, 2. New Social Movements, 3. Neoliberalism&War, 4. the Working Class Movement, 5. Neoliberalism and Media, 6. Community Politics, 7. Globalization and the End of Social Democracy, 8. On Neoliberal Deindustrialization and the present crisis, 9. On Direct Action and the Antiglobalization Movement, 10. On "Terrorism" and the Wars of the Transnational Elite, 11. On Students' Reaction to Neoliberalism in Britain versus France and Greece, 12. On Totalitarian versus "Democratic" Media, 13. Antisystemic Consciousness and Transitional Strategies link zu den einzelnen Teilen siehe youtube
- Takis Fotopoulos' TV Intervention on the Greek crisis, EU, Eurozone and Debt (with english undertitels, June 2012)
- Takis Fotopoulos' Archive (mehrsprachig, viele Artikel, Interviews, Lectures [* dadrunter alle oben aufgeführten Artikel aus IJID und D&N] und Bücher sind komplett abrufbar)
- Inclusive Democracy Project and Network
- The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, ISSN 1753-240X.
- Democracy & Nature (D&N), Journal for Inclusive Democracy (1992-2003)
- Takis Fotopoulos at Facebook
siehe auch[edit]
- Umfassende Demokratie: Unsere Ziele, (engl.: Inclusive Democracy)
- Jump up ↑ vor, diese neue Form der gesellschaftlichen Organisierung bezeichnet er als umfassende Demokratie (englisch: Inclusive Democracy).Die Ziele der inklusiven Demokratie abgerufen 5. Oktober 2008
- Jump up ↑ demotisch: griechisch für volkstümlich, Gemeinde