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Anarchist Summer Camp 2008 – Reflection circle – 2008-07-26 17:30

items from the flashlight round:

  • plenary meetings for coordinating room usage missing
  • daily meeting of kitchen group with shopping group missing
  • proposal: kitchen logbook
  • communication on toilets shows that there is lack of space to communicate, infowall available but not used
  • sound too loud during the night and morning, lack of communication
  • child care didn't work well (missign participation)
  • timetable confusing
  • bad coordination of child care: exchange phone numbers. in case a child needs something special
  • missing room reservation: first come, first serve is no good solution
  • proposal: syndicates for culture, cooking, ... or at least some discussion
  • lack of networking between groups coming to the camp
  • dominance of german language, e.g. at dinner; foreign people traeted as childs: just talking about the weather
  • more responsibility for stuff, missing order
  • not learnt from last camp(s)
  • camp should take place in a region with warmer climate
  • discuss problems when they appear, not afterwards
  • loved it to be here
  • lack of politics, but fun
  • child care worked, also other people shouls participate, even if they have no experience with children
  • those who party at night forget to clean up
  • feeling aggression at the camp, e.g. during sexism discussion, possibly due to bad discussion culture
  • organising group still present in the background, jobs might be delegated to other people
  • being a non-german speaker is really hard, conversation takes place among non-austrian people; frustrating; was better in 2006
  • camp worked well without plena
  • use one sheet for each location to coordinatize room usage
  • domination bahavious on the info-wall: comsuming much space
  • communication trining missing
  • lack of responsibility for order
  • bad talk about hippies
  • good experience
  • proposal: meet every 2nd day, or talk personally, not with papers in the toilets
  • people waste food they didn't eat instead of giving it to others
  • difficulty to communicate beyond own (Vienna / german speaking) group
  • compared to last year, doing workshops in english was better than simultaneous translations
  • lack of d.i.y.
  • one big meeting every day missing
  • i say no more than: see the toilets
  • more things should be done outside of the perparation group
  • the preparation groups should not just “dissolve”, but organize the infopoint during the camp
  • cleaning facilities should be prepared better
  • cooking should take place all the day, therefore meet 1 day in advance for cooking coordinatization
  • people should try to organize themselves a bit more
  • lack of communication
  • problem with organisation of workshops: miossing space for writing down everything; use e.g. internet, would be easier to move workshops, or use many pieces of paper
  • food should have been bio-products
  • work activity did not work well, e.g. there has been no food at noon; you should be able to rely on other people
  • knowledge was not really shared
  • things were not brought back
  • quite dirty
  • missing support for the person going on crutches
  • communication separated, worked well among foreign people
  • install infopoint, also to bring up criticism
  • use a book for sharing information
  • keys were missing (people had them in unknown tents)
  • the relationship room was very positive
  • the presence of children is very posivie
  • communication should be organized better in advance
  • is not good to always have a party atmoshpere, limit it to 3 or 4 party times during the camp

(The reflection ended with the flashlight round.)

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