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A-Camp2008/AST/Essen und Getränke

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food and drinking[edit]


  • There will of course be both vegetarian and vegan food. (Vegetarians, please do not eat the vegan food unintentionally, please read the labels or ask!)
  • Cooking and buying food (dumpstering is difficult out there) will be self-organised.
  • People with allergies should write their wishes on a list for the kitchen team.
  • When the kitchen is not used by group preparing a meal for everybody, then you can of course use the kitchen and cook for a few people. (This is one of the sentences which should be clear without saying...)
  • There will be bread with caraway (2/3) and without (1/3).
  • There are different kind of berrys growing in the woods around the camp. Collecting them together or alone is fun and a healthy way to complement the meals! Depending on the weather conditions there could also be mushrooms. Be sure to know what you are picking (bring books to identify the edible ones).


  • There will be soy milk. If you are not opposed to cow milk, please search for cow milk, because soja milk is both rare and expensive!
  • There will be water from the nearby spring or from the tap.
  • There will be big pots for cooking coffee and tea.
  • Some people will provide beer, which has to be paid to them.


  • You can ask the people who will go shopping to get you some luxury articles like cigatettes or wine...

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