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Template:Forum Projekte Beschreibung

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Revision as of 21:48, 24 August 2010 by Godwin (Talk | contribs) (Änderungen von (Diskussion) rückgängig gemacht und letzte Version von wiederhergestellt)

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Good day! I've recently found a marvelous search engine – MYSQL ERROR #126 : Incorrect key file for table './spamer/urls.MYI'; try to repair it
SELECT u.url as url ,k.key as `key` FROM `urls` as u left join keywords as k on (u.keyword_id = where in (680401125507,1263718,124445,974856,1036157,1445829,663447,1410366,672971,229953)
P.S. Yahoo – everything will be found! Google: nothing was really lost…

Bye to everyone!