Still working to recover. Please don't edit quite yet.
A-Camp 2011/Lifts
Bitte beachtet, dass anarchopedia öffentlich einsehbar ist (speziell bei Kontaktdaten)!
Please keep in mind, that anarchopedia is visible for everybody (especially be carefull with your private contact information)!
Suche Leute für das "Einfach-Raus-Ticket“ bzw. deutsche Gruppenticckets_Surching for Company for the "Einfach-Raus"-Ticket“ or group tickets in Germany
Wann_When | von-nach_from-to | Wieviele Plätze_How many seats | Kontakt_contact
Wann_When | von-nach_from-to | Treffpunkt_meeting point
1. seat: any name (contact?) | 2. seat: any name (contact?) | 3. seat: free | 4. seat: free | 5. seat: free
Biete Mitfahrgelegenheit_Offer Lift
Wann_When | von-nach_from-to | Wieviele Plätze_How many seats | Kontakt_contact
Wann_When | von-nach_from-to | Treffpunkt_meeting point
1. seat: driver (contact?) | 2. seat: any name (contact?) | 3. seat: free | 4. seat: free | 5. seat: free
Suche Mitfahrgelegenheit_Search for Lift
Wann_When | von-nach_from-to | Wieviele Plätze_How many seats | Kontakt_contact