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Frage: wie kann ich das Aussehen einer Portalseite (speziell: Portal_Fragen_und_Antworten) verändern? Mag ein paar der Kästchen anders benennen, bevor ich Inhalte einfüge.. Danke für Unterstützung.. --ana 18:38, 16. Jun 2005 (UTC)

Diskussion ab April 2005

Um die übersicht zu erhalten habe ich die alte Diskussion verschoben Diskussion:Hauptseite/Archiv 04 05

Anarchopedia entwickelt sich und es kommen neue Gedanken auf. Also auf ein Neues... --X 20:35, 16. Apr 2005 (UTC)


I wrote this on Meta and eng: --millosh 13:14, 26. Mai 2005 (UTC)

Is anyone against implementation of SpamBlacklist extension with initial Wikimedia-CreativeCommons list? --Milos Rancic 08:02, 26 May 2005 (CDT)
If no one has anything against in the next seven days, I'll implement it on Meta. (I am asking all communities for that: i.e. people from Meta, deu:, eng: and fra:. I'll implement it on hrv:] because I don't think that my friend Marko has anything against it.) --Milos Rancic

However, it seems that you don't have such problems. Or you want to implement that here? --millosh 13:14, 26. Mai 2005 (UTC)

Why not? It seems to be useful. As long as it doesn't make problems... --SirC 20:13, 26. Mai 2005 (UTC)

I should talk with Guanaco about that. I tried to implement it on Meta, but I had some problems... So, I'll email him and I hope we would have Wikimedia spam blacklist very soon. --millosh 23:32, 29. Mai 2005 (UTC)