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| + | '''Wir helfen...''' |
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| + | Der Dachstuhl des Eck-Hauses Rigaer/Proskauer Straße in Berlin- Friedrichshain ist in der Nacht zu Montag (28.05.2007) in Flammen aufgegangen. Verletzt wurde durch den Brand zum Glück niemand. Laut Feuerwehr breitete sich das Feuer auf einer Dachfläche von etwa 25 mal 30 Metern aus. Die Flammen konnten nach zweieinhalb Stunden unter Kontrolle gebracht werden. Die Ursache des Brandes war nach Polizeiangaben unklar. |
| + | |
| + | Bereits 1997 hatte der Dachstuhl gebrannt. Damals stellte die Kripo Brandstiftung als Brandursache fest. Im Vorfeld hatte der damalige Besitzer erfolglos versucht, eine Sanierung gegen den Willen der Bewohnerinnen durchzusetzen. Von Seiten der Feuerwehr wurde auch heute morgen auffaellig oft das Wort Brandbeschleuniger verwendet. Als zerstoert gelten momentan Dachstuhl und 4. Obergeschoss in der R84 und einem angrenzenden Wohnhaus auf der Proskauer Strasse. Der Rest des Hauses ist durch den Loeschwassereinsatz unbewohnbar. Vor wenigen Wochen stellte der jetzige Eigntuemer des Hauses einen Antrag auf Sanierung. |
| + | |
| + | Dieses Wiki soll dazu dienen, den Bewohnern des Hauses die von dem Brand betroffen sind unsere Solidarität zu zeigen. Baut dieses Wiki auf und tragt Gegenstände, Pennplätze und Hilfsangebote ein, die ihr den Bewohnern Mitteilen möchtet. |
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| + | * [[rigaer soli/Infos und Bilder zum Brand|Infos und Bilder zum Brand]] |
| + | * [[rigaer soli/Pennplätze|Pennplätze]] |
| + | * [[rigaer soli/Sachspenden|Sachspenden]] |
| + | * [[rigaer soli/SoliTermine|SoliTermine]] |
| + | * [[rigaer soli/SoliGruppe|SoliGruppe]] |
| + | * [[rigaer soli/Spenden|Spenden]] |
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− | <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#cc0000
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− | size=+3>****UPDATED June 17th!****</FONT></STRONG></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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− | <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=+2><A
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− | Black Cocks Tearing into White
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− | <DIV align=left><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
| + | |
− | size=-1>We were in the middle of a scorcher and seeing what kinda
| + | |
− | pussy would be showing up. Sophia was interested in getting PAID for
| + | |
− | taking part in the survery. We also got her LAID by our 24
| + | |
− | inches.</FONT></DIV></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=33></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=79></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=4></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=4></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=120></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=21></TD>
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− | <TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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− | <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width=664 bgColor=#ffffff border=0>
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− | <DIV align=center>
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− | <TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=0 width=660 bgColor=#f799f6
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− | <TR>
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− | <TD>
| + | |
− | <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=+2><A
| + | |
− | href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A">White
| + | |
− | Chicks Getting
| + | |
− | Stretched!</A></FONT></STRONG></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
| + | |
− | <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=700 border=0>
| + | |
− | <TBODY>
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− | <TD colSpan=5><IMG height=80 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_01.jpg" width=233></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=8><IMG height=80 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_02.jpg" width=234></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=7><IMG height=80 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_03.jpg" width=233></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=80 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
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− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_04.jpg" width=53></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD width=115 background=/images4/template_05.jpg height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>Paige</FONT></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=24 alt="" src="/images4/template_06.jpg"
| + | |
− | width=28></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD width=37 background=/images4/template_07.jpg height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>18</FONT></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_08.jpg" width=91></TD>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD background=/images4/template_09.jpg colSpan=2 height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>street</FONT></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_10.jpg" width=41></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD background=/images4/template_11.jpg colSpan=3
| + | |
− | height=24> </TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_12.jpg" width=145></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=24 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=6 rowSpan=2><IMG height=18 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_13.jpg" width=303></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=6 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_14.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | | + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=6 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_15.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD background=/images4/template_16.jpg colSpan=8 height=108
| + | |
− | rowSpan=2>
| + | |
− | <DIV align=left><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
| + | |
− | size=-1>We were out looking for some hot young pussy but the
| + | |
− | prospects were not looking too good yo. Then out of nowhere comes
| + | |
− | this little spinner. We asked if she was down and of course she
| + | |
− | was.</FONT></DIV></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=5 rowSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_17.jpg" width=150></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=12 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=5><IMG height=249 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_18.jpg" width=13></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=5 rowSpan=5><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/paige1.jpg" alt="" width=290 height=249 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=96 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=4 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_20.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=4 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_21.jpg" width=6></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/paige2.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_23.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=4><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/paige3.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_25.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/paige4.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=108 alt="" src="/images4/template_27.jpg"
| + | |
− | width=21></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=108 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=5 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_28.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=5 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
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− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_29.jpg" width=6></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><A
| + | |
− | href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | height=108 alt="" src="/images4/templategif_30.gif" width=120
| + | |
− | border=0></A></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_31.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=4 rowSpan=3><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/paige5.jpg" alt="" width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_33.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=3><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/paige6.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_35.jpg" width=21></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=36 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=6><a href="javascript:openvideo2('paige__trailer_high.wmv',600,288,'#330099')"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_36.jpg" alt="" width=303 height=45 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=45 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=6 rowSpan=2><a href="javascript:openvideo2('paige__trailer_high.wmv',600,288,'#330099')"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_37.jpg" alt="" width=303 height=34 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=27 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
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− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=7 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_38.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=7 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=13></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=40></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=115></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=28></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=37></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=70></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=5></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=15></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=105></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=4></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=33></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=4></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=79></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=4></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=4></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=120></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=21></TD>
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− | <TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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− | <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width=664 bgColor=#ffffff border=0>
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− | <TBODY>
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− | <TD>
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− | <DIV align=center>
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− | | + | |
− | <TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=0 width=660 bgColor=#f799f6
| + | |
− | border=0>
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− | <TBODY>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD>
| + | |
− | <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=+2><A
| + | |
− | href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A">Hardcore
| + | |
− | Interracial
| + | |
− | Fucking!</A></FONT></STRONG></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
| + | |
− | <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=700 border=0>
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− | <TD colSpan=5><IMG height=80 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_01.jpg" width=233></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=8><IMG height=80 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_02.jpg" width=234></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=7><IMG height=80 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_03.jpg" width=233></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=80 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
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− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_04.jpg" width=53></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD width=115 background=/images4/template_05.jpg height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>Penelope</FONT></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=24 alt="" src="/images4/template_06.jpg"
| + | |
− | width=28></TD>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD width=37 background=/images4/template_07.jpg height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>19</FONT></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_08.jpg" width=91></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD background=/images4/template_09.jpg colSpan=2 height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>street</FONT></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_10.jpg" width=41></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD background=/images4/template_11.jpg colSpan=3
| + | |
− | height=24> </TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_12.jpg" width=145></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=24 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD colSpan=6 rowSpan=2><IMG height=18 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_13.jpg" width=303></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=6 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_14.jpg" width=397></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=6 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_15.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD background=/images4/template_16.jpg colSpan=8 height=108
| + | |
− | rowSpan=2>
| + | |
− | <DIV align=left><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
| + | |
− | size=-1>Penelope was stumbling out drunk from a long night of
| + | |
− | getting trashed at the local bar. The bitch was so gone, that it was
| + | |
− | easy taking her back to our crib.</FONT></DIV></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=5 rowSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_17.jpg" width=150></TD>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=12 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=5><IMG height=249 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_18.jpg" width=13></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=5 rowSpan=5><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/penelope1.jpg" alt="" width=290 height=249 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=96 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=4 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_20.jpg" width=397></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=4 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_21.jpg" width=6></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/penelope2.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_23.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=4><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/penelope3.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_25.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/penelope4.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=108 alt="" src="/images4/template_27.jpg"
| + | |
− | width=21></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=108 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=5 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_28.jpg" width=397></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=5 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_29.jpg" width=6></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><A
| + | |
− | href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | height=108 alt="" src="/images4/templategif_30.gif" width=120
| + | |
− | border=0></A></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_31.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=4 rowSpan=3><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/penelope5.jpg" alt="" width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_33.jpg" width=5></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=3><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/penelope6.jpg" alt=""
| + | |
− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_35.jpg" width=21></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=36 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=6><a href="javascript:openvideo2('24ioppenelope-trailer150k.wmv',600,288,'#330099')"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_36.jpg" alt="" width=303 height=45 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=45 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD colSpan=6 rowSpan=2><a href="javascript:openvideo2('24ioppenelope-trailer150k.wmv',600,288,'#330099')"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_37.jpg" alt="" width=303 height=34 border="0"></a></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=27 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
| + | |
− | width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=7 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_38.jpg" width=397></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=7 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
| + | |
− | <TR>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=13></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=40></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=115></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=28></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=37></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=70></TD>
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| + | |
− | <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=+2><A
| + | |
− | href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A">Fresh
| + | |
− | Meat Get's
| + | |
− | Pounded!</A></FONT></STRONG></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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− | <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=700 border=0>
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− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=24 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_04.jpg" width=53></TD>
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− | <TD width=115 background=/images4/template_05.jpg height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>Holly</FONT></TD>
| + | |
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− | <TD><IMG height=24 alt="" src="/images4/template_06.jpg"
| + | |
− | width=28></TD>
| + | |
− | <TD width=37 background=/images4/template_07.jpg height=24><FONT
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− | color=#ffff00>20</FONT></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=24 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_08.jpg" width=91></TD>
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− | <TD background=/images4/template_09.jpg colSpan=2 height=24><FONT
| + | |
− | color=#ffff00>street</FONT></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=24 alt=""
| + | |
− | src="/images4/template_10.jpg" width=41></TD>
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− | <TD background=/images4/template_11.jpg colSpan=3
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− | height=24> </TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=3><IMG height=24 alt=""
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− | <TD><IMG height=24 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
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− | <TD colSpan=6 rowSpan=2><IMG height=18 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_13.jpg" width=303></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=6 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_14.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=6 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TD rowSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | <TD background=/images4/template_16.jpg colSpan=8 height=108
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| + | |
− | <DIV align=left><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
| + | |
− | size=-1>We asked her what was the biggest cock she had ever seen
| + | |
− | before. It wasn't much, so we whipped out the dark meat and this
| + | |
− | bitch shoved it down her throat as fast as she could. She got sore
| + | |
− | pretty fast.</FONT></DIV></TD>
| + | |
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− | <TD colSpan=5 rowSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_17.jpg" width=150></TD>
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− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TD rowSpan=5><IMG height=249 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_18.jpg" width=13></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=5 rowSpan=5><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
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− | src="/images4/holly1.jpg" alt="" width=290 height=249 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | src="/images4/template_20.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_21.jpg" width=6></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/holly2.jpg" alt=""
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− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_23.jpg" width=5></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=4><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/holly3.jpg" alt=""
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− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_25.jpg" width=5></TD>
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− | <TD><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/holly4.jpg" alt=""
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− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=108 alt="" src="/images4/template_27.jpg"
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− | width=21></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=108 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
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− | width=1></TD></TR>
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− | <TD colSpan=14><IMG height=5 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_28.jpg" width=397></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_29.jpg" width=6></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><A
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− | href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | height=108 alt="" src="/images4/templategif_30.gif" width=120
| + | |
− | border=0></A></TD>
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− | src="/images4/template_31.jpg" width=5></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=4 rowSpan=3><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG
| + | |
− | src="/images4/holly5.jpg" alt="" width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=2 rowSpan=3><IMG height=108 alt=""
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− | src="/images4/template_33.jpg" width=5></TD>
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− | <TD rowSpan=3><a href="/tour.php/7842/5:join.html/A"><IMG src="/images4/holly6.jpg" alt=""
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− | width=120 height=108 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD colSpan=6><a href="javascript:openvideo2('holly__trailer_high.wmv',600,288,'#330099')"><IMG
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− | src="/images4/template_36.jpg" alt="" width=303 height=45 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=45 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
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− | <TD colSpan=6 rowSpan=2><a href="javascript:openvideo2('holly__trailer_high.wmv',600,288,'#330099')"><IMG
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− | src="/images4/template_37.jpg" alt="" width=303 height=34 border="0"></a></TD>
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− | <TD><IMG height=27 alt="" src="/images4/spacer.gif"
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− | <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=+2><a href="http://www.mainmembersareaeu.com/24inchesofpain" onClick="parent.exitframe.freeOut=1" target="_top">MEMBERS
| + | |
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| == Ideen wie es weitergehen könnte == | | == Ideen wie es weitergehen könnte == |
Line 1,089: |
Line 46: |
| ''Bitte ergänzt eigene Ideen'' | | ''Bitte ergänzt eigene Ideen'' |
| | | |
| + | Kurzer Text Und Reflexion Von einer Exbewohnerin |
| + | [http://kampfkatzenterrorling.blogspot.com/2008/11/huserbrand-reinigt-tterschtzer-die.html Es war nicht alles gut auch wenns gehyped wird... ] |
| | | |
| ==Weblinks== | | ==Weblinks== |
| *http://squat.net/r84 | | *http://squat.net/r84 |
| *http://www.myspace.com/indadawetrust | | *http://www.myspace.com/indadawetrust |
| + | |
| | | |
| [[Kategorie:Rigaer Strasse]] | | [[Kategorie:Rigaer Strasse]] |
Bereits 1997 hatte der Dachstuhl gebrannt. Damals stellte die Kripo Brandstiftung als Brandursache fest. Im Vorfeld hatte der damalige Besitzer erfolglos versucht, eine Sanierung gegen den Willen der Bewohnerinnen durchzusetzen. Von Seiten der Feuerwehr wurde auch heute morgen auffaellig oft das Wort Brandbeschleuniger verwendet. Als zerstoert gelten momentan Dachstuhl und 4. Obergeschoss in der R84 und einem angrenzenden Wohnhaus auf der Proskauer Strasse. Der Rest des Hauses ist durch den Loeschwassereinsatz unbewohnbar. Vor wenigen Wochen stellte der jetzige Eigntuemer des Hauses einen Antrag auf Sanierung.
Dieses Wiki soll dazu dienen, den Bewohnern des Hauses die von dem Brand betroffen sind unsere Solidarität zu zeigen. Baut dieses Wiki auf und tragt Gegenstände, Pennplätze und Hilfsangebote ein, die ihr den Bewohnern Mitteilen möchtet.
1.Wir denken das es verkehrt wäre wenn sich nun alle BewohnerInnen vereinzelt in andere Projekte oder WGs zurückziehen würden.
2.Mann/Frau sollte besser versuchen aus dieser beschissenen Situation das Beste zu machen,anstatt die resultierende Energie in Destruktivität und Resignation münden zu lassen.
3.Es sollten recht schnell gemeinsame Aktionen folgen,um einer drohenden Vereinzelung der BewohnerInnen zuvor zu kommen.
1.Gemeinsame Aktionen z.B. vor dem Wohnungsamt,um ein für alle akzeptables Ersatz/Übergangsprojekt zu fordern.
2.So etwas wie Rigaer84 im Exil, z.b. ein gemeinsames "Obdachlosen Camping".Dafür würde sich unserer Meinung nach wegen dem täglich im Rahmen des Convergence Space stattfindenden öffentlichen Plenums/Vokü (20Uhr Görlitzer Park) der Görli geradezu anbieten.
noch ein gedanke:
vielleicht wäre es noch sinnvoller, sich vor einem von leerstand betroffenem haus niederzulassen und es gleichzeitig einzufordern?! das hätte den vorteil, daß auch andere menschen außerhalb der szene mitbekommen würden, dass es trotz immer höher ansteigenden mieten, leerstand gibt, etc.